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Thursday, April 28, 2005

Driving Home…

So I’m driving in the rain. Radiohead is playing. Cars are zipping past me. A creature, with something limp and pink in its mouth, rushes in front of my car, decides that it’s probably a bad place to be, and darts back towards the left of the road, from which it came, dropping the limp thing from its mouth.

This creature was one of two things:
  1. A cougar, or other non-cat feline, with either a baby cougar, or other non-cat feline, or dead prey in it’s mouth.
  2. A dog with either a puppy or dead prey in it’s mouth.
I certainly hope the limp thing wasn’t alive, because after the torrent of cars on my tail drove past the area on which it was dropped, I don’t think it would be any longer.


Blogger amber, theambershow said...

A cougar, or other non-cat feline, with either a baby cougar, or other non-cat feline, or dead prey in it’s mouth.

A non-cat feline is the same as saying a non-human person. It's contradictory.

It was probably something dead; most animals that are diurnal wouldn't move their babies durning the day, and both cats and dogs (of any sort) are diurnal.

9:58 AM, April 28, 2005  
Blogger Patrick K. said...

Ok, I’m a bit of an idiot--this has been well established.

What I meant to say is, “A cougar, or other non-Felis catus feline, with either a baby cougar, or other non-Felis catus feline, or dead prey in it’s mouth."

Also, I was driving home at night--after leaving your place.

12:30 PM, April 28, 2005  

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