AC/DC Illegal while driving...
AC/DC Should be illegal while driving. There must be some carnal connection between the heart-thumping-rock of AC/DC and the right foot.
I was driving on the highway and Done Dirt Cheep came on. With each “Oye,” my foot pressed on the gas pedal. I noticed two cops parked in the turn-around, everyone slowed down and turned onto the driving lane. I sped past them and didn't think about it until the song finished.
Maybe they knew. Maybe their radar-guns have a special check-if-ac-dc-done-dirt-cheap-is-playing feature. They saw me fly by, checked to see if I was listening to Done Dirt Cheap, acknowledged that I was, smiled, shook their heads, and said in unison, “[feel free top suggest something clever].”
I was driving on the highway and Done Dirt Cheep came on. With each “Oye,” my foot pressed on the gas pedal. I noticed two cops parked in the turn-around, everyone slowed down and turned onto the driving lane. I sped past them and didn't think about it until the song finished.
Maybe they knew. Maybe their radar-guns have a special check-if-ac-dc-done-dirt-cheap-is-playing feature. They saw me fly by, checked to see if I was listening to Done Dirt Cheap, acknowledged that I was, smiled, shook their heads, and said in unison, “[feel free top suggest something clever].”
It's YOUR job to suggest something clever, you lazy blogger!
"Ah, Done Dirt Cheap again...."
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