Spicy nails...
So, my fingernails have been spicy for the last few days. And by “spicy,” I mean they actually burn my tongue when I nibble on them. I don't mean “chew off” when I say nibble. I just kind of bite my nails, while leaving them intact.
Also, what would you do if a group of people arbitrarily broke into song? I hope I'm never in that situation to have to decide.
Also, what would you do if a group of people arbitrarily broke into song? I hope I'm never in that situation to have to decide.
Hi, I clicked next on my blog, and ta-dah! Patrick K was sitting in front of me, talking about spicy nails.
So I am a bit curious, Patrick, just why are your nails spicy? Because I can't think of any logical explanation for it, other than, perhaps, you recently had a hankering for some wicked spicy Indian food, and the cury you used to make some delicious chicken has some how seeped into the very fiber of your being to create your new, spicy nails.
But I'm pretty sure I'm wrong.
Well Kelly, I initially had the same suspicion, but the realized that I hadn't eaten Indian food, or curry for that matter, for the better part of a year. I did have some jalapeno peppers at a Mexican restaurant a few days prior and resigned that my spicy nails were attributed to them. Not so--They become randomly spicy and have been intermittently such since I first posted this.
Thanks for your interest in my nails.
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