free geoip

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

How I help my stepfather fix the car...

1.Hold the light.
2.Light moves an inch off target, move it back.
3.Stand in the mud holding the light.
4.Offer to hold on to various nuts, bolts and screws.
5.Move the light back in the right place.
6.Look around to see if any neighbors are bothered by the sound of the ratchet.
7.Wonder why I care so much about my neighbors being bothered by the sound of the ratchet.
8.Question the synthetic content of grease. I was told it is normal grease. I have trouble believing that because the grease is fuchia.
9.Wonder what normal grease is.
10.Singe my finger on the light.
11.Grab a pair of interesting looking pliers and support the light in its grip.
12.Learn that there is a lubricant spray more powerful than WD40. Ask if it's called WD50, no laugh received—another joke wasted.
13.Save the day by suggesting an easier way to attach something to the motor.
14.Was thanked for saving the day.
15.Looked at my pant bottoms to see if they're covered in mud.
16.Go upstairs, wash my hands and attempt to make this awesome avocado dish I had at Blood Root.
17.Fail miserably.


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