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Monday, January 24, 2005

Spicy nails...

So, my fingernails have been spicy for the last few days. And by “spicy,” I mean they actually burn my tongue when I nibble on them. I don't mean “chew off” when I say nibble. I just kind of bite my nails, while leaving them intact.

Also, what would you do if a group of people arbitrarily broke into song? I hope I'm never in that situation to have to decide.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Make "Rad" cool again...

Today, I decided to start saying “rad” again. Lets take it away from the SoCal surfers and bring it back into modern parlance.

I told my friend Amber about this idea and she immediately said that she briefly dated a guy who said it. Now she says she says it. Listen here folks, I've never heard the word spewed from her mouth. She so conveniently mentions her usage of it after I mention my decision to reestablish it.

She went on to say that she would start using it in her blog and take all credit. Being the marginally average genius that I am, I decided to save our AIM conversation as proof of her devious intention of stealing my glory